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Sri Lanka Metas
Sri Lanka's Gen 4 coverage uses low-cam, meaning that (1) objects around you are seen from a lower vantage point, (2) roads look wider, (3) the Google car generally looks bigger and has a wide circular blur.
Google Car
Sri Lanka’s Google car in Generation 3 coverage has blue, white and red stripes, resembling the French flag.
Google Car
Sinhala, the primary language in Sri Lanka, has many letters that look like a "C" forwards, backwards, or upside down. It appears quite "curvy".
Rear license plates in Sri Lanka are yellow. Front license plates are white.
License Plate
Sri Lanka uses small white and black stone bollards.
Sri Lanka has two common types of poles. This one has see-through holes in the lower part of the pole ("holey pole"). The other type has small holes in the top part of the pole.
Sri Lanka has two common types of poles. This one has small holes in the top part of the pole. The other type is a holey pole in the lower part of the pole.
Sri Lanka has a very tropical feel with many palm trees. It also can have distinct reddish soil. Generally, if you see palm trees with few other clues, Sri Lanka can be a reasonable guess.
Sri Lanka often has black-and-white striped signposts.
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